Our Cooking and Nutrition Classes

Weekly Cooking Classes

Learn how to maximize using your Saladmaster cookware. These classes are open for Saladmaster owners only.

Food Addiction 911

Are you struggling with cravings? Do you find yourself eating foods that you know aren’t good for you, but you can’t seem to stop? Do you sometimes feel controlled by food?

African American Nutrition

In this class, we identify 6 key genetic differences where nutrition can be beneficial and healing for African Americans. We empower students with health and nutrition information on how to use food to strengthen their bodies, their minds and their spirit, so they can enjoy life and thrive.

Diabetes Prevention and Reversal

Identify early signs of Type 2 Diabetes and learn how to prevent & reverse this type of diabetes

Immunity Boosters and Busters

Are you looking for ways to strengthen your immune system, at home, in your kitchen? This class explores food and habits that can boost our immune system and also those that deplete it. Hear the latest research behind immunity and what you can do, easily, to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Alzheimer’s Prevention Nutrition and Cooking Class

Tips to protect your brain and strengthen your memory are shared in this unforgettable class.

Sleep Better, Stress Less

A workshop on what food to eat and when to eat them, in order to achieve better sleep and reduce stress!

Breast Cancer Awareness

Gain insights into how to reduce your risk of breast cancer through proper nutrition and lifestyle.

Revamp your Kitchen with Healthy Meal Preps

Do you wish you could go out to eat less, but are not sure how to plan healthy meals for home? Never question "What's for dinner?" again

Cancer Prevention and Survival

Discover how to reduce your risk of cancer by 60% in your kitchen.